Chihuahua Oil Portrait
by DB Hayes
Chihuahua Oil Portrait
DB Hayes
Mixed Media - Oil Painting, Digital Oil Painting, Art, Fine Art,
Fine Art America's (FAA) watermark does NOT appear on sold art as FAA removes the watermark before each sold copy is museum quality printed onto canvas, photo-paper, metal, acrylic or any of FAA's many other available medias regardless of which one is chosen by the buyer.
WE are proud to write the following art groups have featured our "Chihuahua Oil Portrait":
1 = The Artistic Aperture: 6/19/2018
2 = Created by Southern Artists: 6/19/2018
3 = FAA Portrait Gallery: 6/24/2018
4 = Our 4-Legged Friends: 6/28/2018
This is an oil portrait image of our chihuahua "Cinnamon". Deb rescued Cinnamon a few years ago from a busy 2 lane street where Cinnamon was dodging traffic. Deb actually drove her Jeep across the 2 lanes of traffic to block the flow of traffic to give Cinnamon a chance to get off the street into a quick shop type store parking lot. Deb then drove over to Cinnamon where she opened her door and asked, "do you want to get in"? Before she had finished the question Cinnamon had already jumped into the Jeep and onto her lap knowing she had finally found a safe and caring person to take care of her.
I, Bill, captured this image in August, 2017 inside our home using a Nikon D810 with a Sigma 105mm prime macro lens. Today, I felt the itch to use my artistic software programs so I picked the original photograph of this oil painting to work with. I actually used 2 different oil painting programs to achieve this results, which I find "pleasing" to my eyes. Maybe it will be to the lovers of pets and oil paintings too.
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"Art Enhances Life"
Bill and Deb Hayes.
June 18th, 2018
Comments (6)
Wes Iversen
An excellent job on the oil painting, Bill, and a heartwarming story about how Cinnamon was acquired as well! L/F
Morris Finkelstein
Fabulous mixed media portrait of a Chihuahua with great colors, pose, light, and composition, Bill and Deb! F/L
Bob Lentz
Congratulations! on this unique image’s being Featured in “The Artistic Aperture” group, and also Liked, Favorited, and Facebooked.