Egret Mates Sunning
by DB Hayes
Egret Mates Sunning
DB Hayes
Photograph - Photography, Photographs, Prints
I was at the right place at the right time to witness these egret mates as they were perched atop a dead tree located in the Saint Marks National Wildlife Refuge so I started shooting as fast as I could. Luck was on my side as I manged to capture a few great images of this beautiful pair. Please be assured should you buy a copy of "Egret Mates Sunning" to have printed on canvass, photo-paper, or any of FAA's many other available medias FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. ALL visits to my FAA-Pixels art site are welcomed, encourage and greatly appreciated. Please visit often and, if you will, please also visit my wife's FAA-Pixels art site. Deb's link is; ---- Thank you sincerely for taking the time to visit. Bill
September 29th, 2016