Gorgeous Tricoloured Heron
by DB Hayes
Gorgeous Tricoloured Heron
DB Hayes
Painting - Digital Oil, Photography, Photographs, Prints, Oil Paintings
Thank you for stopping by. Pictured is a gorgeous Tricoloured Heron my wife, Deb, captured Saturday, May 14th, 2016, while we kayaked the Wacissa River/Springs in north Florida. Since Deb gets to photograph the birds on the Wacissa with her Canon while I do the paddling of the kayak she allowed me to load this image on my site. Plus she prefers to mainly stay with natural photograph images most of the time being loaded on her FAA art site, whereas, I have no problem loading digitally enhanced photographs as long as they are to my liking (high quality). And this one fix the requirement. I think it is gorgeous. Maybe you agree. Hope so anyway. I loaded the original photograph image (Majestic Tricoloured Heron) on Deb's site should you prefer it
(deb-hayes.pixels.com). I digitally signed and dated "Gorgeous Tricoloured Heron" in the lower right corner area using very small black fonts. If you will click on the image to enlarge it you should be able to see both without too much trouble. Please be assured should you buy a copy of "Gorgeous Tricoloured Heron" to have printed on canvass, photo-paper or any of FAA's many available medias FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. As always your visits and all visits to my FAA art site are welcomed and very appreciated. Please return often and also please tell your friends about both Deb & my sites. Thank you. Bill
May 16th, 2016
Comments (2)
Judy Vincent
Gorgeous capture of this beautiful Heron! Love the colors and the painterly look!
DB Hayes replied:
Judy: Your wonderful compliments mean more to us than you can realize and we graciously appreciate them. Thank you. Bill & Deb