Great Blue Heron
by DB Hayes
Great Blue Heron
DB Hayes
Painting - Photography, Photograph, Print, Painting, Oil Painting, Digital Oil
Welcome to my FAA art site. Pictured is a Great Blue Heron I photographed while kayaking the Wacissa River located in north Florida about 15 miles east, southeast of Tallahassee a while ago. This to me is one of the most majestic birds in nature. I simply love photographing them. I digitally signed and dated "Great Blue Heron" in the lower left corner area using slightly light very small fonts. Please be assured should you buy a copy of "Great Blue Heron" to have printed on canvass, photo-paper or any of FAA's many available medias FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. All visits to my art site are greatly appreciated. Please visit often and tell your friends about my site. Please also tell them about my husband Bill's site. His link is; - They may find something they like and thank you. Thank you for visiting. Deb
June 2nd, 2016
Comments (1)
Hazel Holland
Wonderful capture and treatment, Deb! L/F
DB Hayes replied:
Thank YOU very much Hazel for your visit, compliment and the L/F. WOW !! WE certainly appreciate all. "Enjoy Life & Enjoy Art" B&D Hayes