Holding On
by DB Hayes
Holding On
DB Hayes
Photograph - Photography, Photograph, Print
Welcome to my FAA art site. Pictured is a beautiful dragonfly I captured with my Canon on May 30th while it was "Holding On" in our back yard. I love photographing all winged beauties of nature, be they birds, dragonflies, and/or butterflies. I digitally signed and dated "Holding On" in the lower right corner area using very small black fonts. Please be assured should you buy a copy of "Holding On" to have printed on canvass, photo-paper or any of FAA's many available medias FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. All visits to my FAA art site are welcomed, encouraged and greatly appreciated. Please return often and please tell your friends about my site plus my husband's art site. Bill's site link is; 1-bill-hayes.pixels.com - Thank you for visiting. Deb
June 6th, 2016