Pelicans Siesta - Oil
by DB Hayes
Pelicans Siesta - Oil
DB Hayes
Painting - Photography, Oil Paintings, Digital Oils, Oil Images, Graphic Oils, Prints, Photographs, Photos,
Hello and welcome to my FAA art site. Please be assured should you buy a copy of "Pelicans Siesta" to have printed on photo-paper, canvass or any of FAA's available medias FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. I shot this scene with my D7200 Nikon camera paired with a Nikon 300mm lens on Saturday, February 20, 2016, while my wife, Deb, and I were on the beautiful Jekyll Island in southeastern Georgia. Once I edited the "Pelicans Siesta" I then applied the oil brush to see if I liked the effects, which I did, needless to say since I'm posting it. I signed and dated "Pelicans Siesta" in the lower left corner using small black fonts so they would not leap up at you when viewing the image. All visits to my FAA art site are welcome and sincerely appreciated. Bill
February 23rd, 2016