Red Wolf Standing
by DB Hayes
Red Wolf Standing
DB Hayes
Photograph - Photography, Photographs, Prints
Fine Art America's (FAA) watermark will NOT appear on sold art as FAA removes the watermark before each sold print is made on canvass, photo-paper, metal, acrylic or any of FAA's many other available medias.
WE are proud to write our "Red Wolf Standing" image has been FEATURED by the following highly respected art groups:
1 - Animals Photographs: Featured on Nov. 21, 2016
2 - Our 4-Legged Friends: Featured on Dec. 31, 2016
WE had the pleasure of seeing and photographing this gorgeous red wolf as it was walking around in January, 2016 in north Florida.
Historical Red Wolves originally occupied eastern North America, from the Gulf Coast into southern Ontario, Canada. Current Extinct in the wild in 1980, Red Wolves are now in a captive breeding-and-release program. The primary wild release area is eastern North Carolina, on the peninsula between the Albermarle and Pamilico Sounds. Low human density, wetland soil type and distance from roads seem to be the most important habitat features.
Wild Rabbits, squirrels, fawns, birds and eggs, plus insects and reptiles as available.
Zoo Canine Maintenance, with frozen feline; fasted weekly; bone or muscle meat weekly.
Red Wolves are cinnamon or tawny, with black-tipped guard hairs. The ears are usually red and the tail-tip black. The summer coat is more reddish than the dense winter coat. In all seasons, the eyebrows are cream, plus cream, usually, along the lips.
All visits to our FAA art site are welcomed, encouraged and appreciated. Please visit often and, if you will, tell your friends and family about our art site. They may find something they like and thank you for the tip. Thank you for visiting. Bill & Deb
June 20th, 2016
Comments (3)
Bill And Deb Hayes
WE are honored by and very grateful to Mariola Bitner, administrator of the art group "Our 4-Legged Friends" for the FEATURE of our "Red Wolf Standing" image on Dec. 31, 2016. Thank you Mariola. Bill & Deb Hayes
Tami Quigley
Hi Bill and Deb, what a really beautiful portrait of this gorgeous and majestic wolf! A very Merry Christmas to you! L/F
DB Hayes replied:
Hi Tami: We are very graceful for your gracious compliment and the time you took to visit & view our image. Merry Christmas to you, too. Bill & Deb Hayes