Ruins and Beauty
by DB Hayes
Ruins and Beauty
DB Hayes
Photograph - Photography, Digital Art, Photographs, Oil Paintings, Prints, Graphics, Digital Oils, Oil Art
Hello and welcome to my FAA art site. Pictured is a scene I photographed about 3 years ago while visiting the beautiful Middleton Plantation located just outside of Charleston, South Carolina. This area located on the Middleton Plantation is of some ruins overlooking a beautiful area of lawn grass overlooking a river. I uploaded this general scene some time ago as a stand-alone photograph but since my husband, Bill, has been happy using a digital oil brush lately I asked him to apply one to this scene to view the results. After Bill tried several "runs" so to speak using heavy, medium and light brushes I settled on this image as it is showing the results after using a very light oil brush on the photograph. It pleased my eyes the most. Of course, I hope it pleases your eyes too. I digitally signed and dated "Ruins and Beauty" in the lower right area using small light colored fonts. If you will click on the image to enlarge it you should be able to see my signature and the date without too much trouble. Please be assured should you buy a copy of "Ruins and Beauty" to have printed on canvass, photo-paper or any of FAA's available medias FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. Thank you for visiting my art site and please return often. Deb
March 15th, 2016
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