The Cock
by DB Hayes
The Cock
DB Hayes
Painting - Photography, Oil Paintings, Digital Oil, Graphic Oil, Photographs, Prints, Oil Images, Paintings
Please be assured should you buy a copy of "The Cock" to have printed on photo-paper, canvass, metal or acrylic FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. I digitally painted this rooster photograph, which I shot some time ago while visiting the General Coffee State Park in middle Georgia, with an oil brush to get the results you see. I hope most of you approve and like the outcome. I also digitally signed and dated "The Cock" in the lower right corner using small black fonts so they would not jump out at you when viewing the image. Of course, my signature & date will remain on the your printed media when you receive it as shown here. I welcome and sincerely appreciate all visits to my FAA art site. Deb
February 18th, 2016
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