The Old Byron Train Depot
by DB Hayes
The Old Byron Train Depot
DB Hayes
Painting - Photography, Digital Art, Oil Paintings, Photographs, Prints, Digital Oils
Hello and thank you for visiting my site. Pictured is the old train depot and part of a caboose by the train track in Byron, Georgia, a small town located south, southwest of Macon, Georgia. This train depot, in my opinion, represents a by-gone era you find in many small towns throughout America. Sure brings back a lot of memories, at least for me, maybe you too, if you are old enough. I digitally signed and dated "The Old Byron Train Depot" in the lower right corner on the inside of the rail track using small black fonts. Should you buy a copy of "The Old Byron Train Depot" to have printed on canvass, photo-paper or any of FAA's available please be assured FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. All visits to my FAA art site are welcome and greatly appreciated. Please return often. Bill
March 29th, 2016
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