Night Scene Artistry
by DB Hayes
Night Scene Artistry
DB Hayes
Photograph - Photography, Prints,
Fine Art America's (FAA) watermark does NOT appear on sold printed copies of this image.
This is a copyrighted, all rights reserved protected image and as of this posting date ONLY FAA and/or its sister company Pixels have the authorized right to print & sell this image on our behalf. DBHayes Art (Deb & Bill Hayes) is/are the copyright owners.
Recently we were asked to double-down on photographing general areas of Golden Isles, Georgia. Why you wonder? A well know business in Brunswick, Georgia, which is part of the Golden Isles of Georgia, has told us it may be willing to exhibited several works of our art. It is NOT for certain as of this date but if it happens it may help our art become known throughout SE Georgia. We, of course, would be delighted if this happens but we are not "holding our breathes" as the saying goes.
The Sidney Lanier Bridge is one of the most photographed icons in the Golden Isles so we decided to jump on the "bandwagon" with several of our versions of this iconic bridge.
This version is one of our sunset photographs of the bridge edited with an artistic twist.
All visits to our FAA-Pixels art-sites are welcomed, encouraged and appreciated. Please visit often.
"Art Enhances Life"
DBHayes Art
Deb & Bill Hayes
December 27th, 2021
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