Flight Of The Driftwood Butterbutt
by DB Hayes
Flight Of The Driftwood Butterbutt
DB Hayes
Photograph - Photography
Fine Art Americas (FAA) watermark does NOT appear on sold art as FAA removes the watermark before each sold copy is "museum quality" printed onto canvass, photo-paper, metal, acrylic or any of FAA's many other available medias regardless of which one is chosen by the buyer.
WE are very proud to write the following highly respected art groups have featured our "Flight Of The Driftwood Butterbutt" image;
1 - Images That Excite You: Featured on February 19, 2017
2 - Pictures For Present: Featured on February 19, 2017
3 - Animals Photographs: Featured on February 19, 2017
4 - USA Photographers ONLY: February 19, 2017
5 - A Birding Group - Wings: Featured on February 19, 2017
6 - Created by Southern Artists: Featured on February 20, 2017
7 - FAA Portrait - Birds: Featured on February 20, 2017
8 - Wild Birds Of The World: Featured on February 20, 2017
9 - Poetic Poultry: Featured on February 21, 2017
10 - Your Very Best Photography: Featured on February 27, 2017
11 - KINGDOM Animalia: Featured on March 12, 2017
Once again, Deb & I visited the gorgeous Jekyll Island, Georgia on February 18, 2017 to further our Jekyll Island photography adventure. While parking in one of the parking areas before walking to Driftwood Beach Deb noticed a beautiful Yellow-Rumped Warbler perched on a rather large chuck of driftwood in the marshes directly in front of the parking area. She excitingly exited her Jeep with camera in hand, slowed down, then started shooting. She managed to acquire several images of this colorful warbler before it took flight - then this one as it lifted off the driftwood. Of course, being this is an "action" shot we chose to post it first. We hope you approve and like it. Now for a few interesting facts about this bird.
The yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronata) is a North American bird species combining four closely related forms: the eastern myrtle warbler (ssp coronata); its western counterpart, Audubon's warbler (ssp group auduboni); the northwest Mexican black-fronted warbler (ssp nigrifrons); and the Guatemalan Goldman's warbler (ssp goldmani)
Yellow-rumped warblers spend the breeding season in mature coniferous and mixed coniferous-deciduous woodlands (such as in patches of aspen, birch, or willow). In the western U.S. and in the central Appalachian Mountains, they are found mostly in mountainous areas. In the Pacific Northwest and the Northeastern U.S., they occur all the way down to sea level wherever conifers are present. During winter, yellow-rumped warblers find open areas with fruiting shrubs or scattered trees, such as parks, streamside woodlands, open pine and pine-oak forest, dunes (where bayberries are common), and residential areas. On their tropical wintering grounds they live in mangroves, thorn scrub, pine-oak-fir forests, and shade coffee plantation.
ALL visits to our FAA-Pixels art sites are welcomed, encouraged and appreciated. Please visit often and, if you will, tell your friends and family about our art sites. They may find something they like and thank you for the tip.
"Art is Life"
Bill and Deb Hayes
February 19th, 2017
Comments (20)
Yuri Lev
What a fantastic capture! Obviously you were "quick on the draw." L/F
DB Hayes replied:
Yes Yuri, Deb captured this one as she has the best reflexes of us to capture in-flight shots. Thank you for your visit and compliment. Bill and Deb
Anita Faye
Bill and Deb, thank you for sharing this perfectly timed capture in "Winter Songbirds" discussion on Poetic Poultry Group ;)
DB Hayes replied:
Anita: It was our pleasure to do so and thank you for allowing the opportunity and your compliment. Bill and Deb
Daniel Hebard
Excellent Capture l,f,t
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you Daniel for your visit, compliment and the L,F,T. WE very much appreciate ALL. Bill and Deb
Anita Faye
Bill and Deb, wow, gorgeous Yellow-rumped Warbler capture! Featured on Poetic Poultry! http://fineartamerica.com/groups/poetic-poultry-.html
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you very, very much Anita for the feature as well as your awesome compliment. WE sincerely and truly appreciate all you do for all of us. Bill and Deb Hayes
William Tasker
Gorgeous stop-action capture! Your beautiful image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World. L/F
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you William for your compliment and the feature. Please know we sincerely and greatly appreciate both + the L/F. Bill & Deb
Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful flight photo of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler with great timing, colors, dof, textures, perspective and composition, Bill and Deb! F/L
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you kindly Morris for your very gracious compliments, visit plus the F/L. We very much appreciate all. Bill and Deb
Don Columbus
Congratulations Bill and Deb, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings" I invite you to place it in the group's "2017 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/Tweet and Favorite Great in flight capture of a small bird!!!
DB Hayes replied:
Don: We are honored by this feature and we greatly appreciate it. WE also very much appreciate the L/Tweet and your gracious compliment. Thank YOU. Bill and Deb
Sheila Brown
Excellent capture and clarity! Love this! L/F :)
DB Hayes replied:
Sheila: Thank you very much for your visit, awesome compliments and the L/F. Bill and Deb
Jane Gatward
Great shot Bill &Deb! F
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you Jane for your visit and your great compliment plus the F. ALL much appreciated. Bill and Deb
Dominique Fortier
Gorgeous capture and background, Bill and Deb! l/f
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you Dominique for the visit, your awesome compliment and the L/F. We very much appreciate all. Bill and Deb
Michael Mirijan
This wonderful picture is featured on the homepage of the "Pictures for Present" group.
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you Michael: This feature honors us and we sincerely appreciate it as well as all you do for all of us. Bill and Deb