Driftwood on Jekyll
by DB Hayes
Driftwood on Jekyll
DB Hayes
Painting - Photography, Oil Paintings, Photographs, Prints, Digital Oils, Digital Art, Digital Oil Art
Hello and welcome to my FAA art site. Please be assured should you buy a copy of "Driftwood on Jekyll" to have printed on photo-paper, canvass or any of FAA's available medias FAA's watermark will NOT appear on your printed media when you receive it. I photographed this rather large piece of driftwood as it stood upright on a beach located on Jekyll Island, Georgia on February 20, 2016 using my D7200 Nikon camera with a Nikon 300 mm lens attached. I digital edited-cleaned the image - then applied a medium oil brush to it for the results you see. The oil version pleased my eyes more so than the photo image alone, which is why I decided to post the oil version. It came to "life" so to speak when the "oil" was applied. I hope the majority of you approve. I digitally signed and dated the image in the lower right corner area using small black fonts. All visits to my FAA art site are welcome and always appreciated. Bill
February 26th, 2016
Comments (6)
Kathy Barney
How beautiful! Congrats. I still have driftwood my mom collected from there from camping trips in the 60s.
DB Hayes replied:
Thank you Kathy - Sounds like your mom & I may be around the same age - I joined the Army in 65.